
Allergy and Immunology

Identification, management and treatment of allergic diseases require expertise in testing for allergens, diagnosing specific diseases, such as asthma, and examining the latest research and treatment protocols. You will learn how to perform tests for allergies and immune deficiencies such as pulmonary function and skin prick tests, read chest X-rays for thymic shadow, interpret results of pulmonary function tests, and synthesize clinical histories and exam results for patient workups.

Cardiovascular Medicine

Diseases of the heart and circulatory system are numerous and serious. This clinical will involve a study of the prevention, diagnosis, causes, and treatment/management protocols for diseases related specifically to the heart and to the vascular systems. You will learn how to perform and record appropriate physical examinations related to the cardiovascular system, interpret results of diagnostic testing and assist in the development of treatment plans and/or make recommendations for surgical procedures.


Diseases of the skin, hair, scalp, nails and genitals, including skin cancers and immune-related skin disorders, all fall within the specialty of dermatology. Emphasis is placed on diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders and the most current research in therapies. Course objectives include an understanding or cutaneous anatomy and pathology, knowledge of common skin diseases, and the ability to interpret microscopic slides.


Hormonal imbalances may be responsible for a number of conditions. In this course, you will learn the causes of hormone imbalances as well as the treatment procedures for the symptoms, conditions, and diseases that these imbalances cause. Special emphasis will be on diabetes and thyroid disorders, and current methods and treatments for restoring normal hormonal balance. You will develop an ability to evaluate, develop treatment plans, and to monitor efficacy of treatments for common disorders and to develop enough familiarity with uncommon disorders to make determinations to evaluate the need for consultation with sub-specialists.


This clinical will provide a thorough study of both chronic and acute diseases and disorders of all organs and systems that relate to consumption and digestion. Any disorder associated with the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and the complete biliary system will be addressed, along with current best practices related to diagnosis, treatment, and surgical procedures. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete patient history and physical examinations to prepare a diagnostic workup for common gastrointestinal disorders, interpret laboratory and imaging tests, prepare treatment plans and/or recognize the need for surgery.

General Internal Medicine

Emphasis will be on the pathology of human diseases with focus on cardiovascular, hematologic, pulmonary, immunologic, endocrine, and rheumatologic system, oncology and infectious diseases, their cause, treatment and management. You will learn how to complete and record and appropriate medical history based upon symptom presentation and to determine what types of diagnostic tests should be performed to confirm a suspected diagnosis. Based upon a diagnosis, you will then be able to establish and implement a treatment protocol and/or make recommendations for admission and/or surgery.

Genomics Medicine

Genomics will involve an integrated study of genome characteristics and sequencing, transcriptomics, comparative genomics and genomic data analysis, as well a genetically caused diseases and disorders. New research in biogenetic engineering and oncology treatments will also be addressed. You will learn the types of genomic testing available and develop and understanding of their uses in the screening, diagnosis and management of disease. You will also learn treatment protocols based upon the latest research in the field and make recommendations for treatments based upon patient history and presentations.

Hematology and Oncology

Clinical hematology will include a study of the diagnosis, treatment protocols, and management of blood cell disorders and diseases, as well as the physiology of hematopoiesis. New treatments and management of oncological diseases shall also be addressed. You will learn diagnostic procedures related to disorders and diseases of the blood, methods of interpreting tests, both laboratory and imaging, how to assess tumors as a result of imaging and biopsies, and the chemotherapy protocols and other therapies for various types of cancers. You will also learn the effect of immune deficiencies in the treatment of cancers and the most current protocols for addressing those issues.

Infectious Diseases

Course study shall include the principles of microbiology as related to infectious diseases and pharmacological treatments of these diseases. Emphasis will be placed upon characteristics and properties of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi, the diseases they cause, and the mechanisms of causality and manifestations. You will learn the physical and chemical methods for the control of microorganisms and how these are used to prevent and control infectious diseases. You will also learn to interpret laboratory test results and to design therapeutic treatment plans for a variety of bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal diseases determining the comparative efficacy of vaccines, antibiotics or other protocols. You will also be introduced to emerging pathogens and their threats.


Goals of this course include mastery of the methods of testing and diagnosis of acute and chronic renal disorders, diseases, and failure, determination of proper treatment protocols based upon test results and symptoms, and long-term care and management. You will learn how to identify the symptoms and signs of the most common renal disorders and diseases including injury, failure, nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. You will be able to interpret lab and imaging test results and to design specific therapeutic treatments including pharmacological, dialysis, and/or surgery.

Palliative Care

The course goal is to develop competencies in palliative care. Training shall occur in core areas of symptom and pain management, coordination of care for the terminally ill of all age ranges, and involvement of other medical professionals as appropriate. Other aspects of the course relate to ethics and communication skills. Through this course, you will extend your understanding of palliative care and management of symptoms and pain for the patient; you will also understand the need for a team approach as care is provided by medical, sociological, psychological, and spiritual professionals in the care of terminally ill patients.

Preventive Medicine

This course provides students with the core principles of major disease prevention and delivery of health and prevention education services to local communities. Student will learn how to assess prevention education needs, to develop interventions and to conduct evaluative research related to health and prevention. Working with other community resources to achieve health and prevention goals will also be a focus of this coursework, including participation in education, immunization efforts and other prevention activities.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Course content includes a thorough study of the prevention, causes, diagnoses and treatment/management protocols for critically ill patients with lung disease. Sub-units include specific content related to emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and cancers. Students will gain experience in taking patient histories, conducting physical examinations, and interpreting results of diagnostic testing. Students will also have experience in development of patient treatment plans including pharmacological and other therapeutic protocols. All students will be able to perform technical procedures, including intubation, biopsies, chest tube placement, and maintenance or mechanical ventilation equipment.


Students will familiarize themselves with the most common musculoskeletal disorders and diseases, as well as diseases of connective tissues. Skill development includes diagnosis of condition such as arthritis, as well as arthrocentesis and joint injections. Treatment protocols from medicine to equipment to therapy and to surgery will be addressed. Students will be able to perform a full musculoskeletal exam and develop a report that includes is and a full patient history. Based upon these and additional testing as warranted, students will provide diagnoses and make recommendations for treatment, to include physical therapies, pharmacological treatments, and surgery.