General Internal Medicine
- Inpatient General Medicine Ward
- Ambulatory Medicine
- Intensive Care Unit
- Musculoskeletal Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Hematology/Oncology
- Infectious Diseases
- Hepatology
- Pulmonary
- DVT / thromboembolism
- Diabetes mellitus out of control and Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Community-acquired pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia, institutionally-acquired pneumonia, and other forms of pneumonia
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Cellulitis/erysipelas/osteomyelitis/diabetic foot ulcers
- Asthma and COPD exacerbations
- Urinary tract infections, pyelonephritis, and urinary tract infections with sepsis
- Hypertensive urgency and emergencies, formerly called malignant hypertension
- Endocarditis
- Meningitis, Encephalitis
- Coronary artery disease the use of non-invasive testing and consultants
- New onset atrial fibrillation
- Anasarca/CHF/ascites/nephrotic syndrome
- Anemia
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Acid-base disorders, Hyponatremia, Hypernatremia, Hypokalemia, Hyperkalemia
- Decubiti
- Acute monoarticular arthritis
- Obstipation/bowel obstruction
- Depression
- Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
- Diverticulitis
- Exacerbations of systemic lupus erythematosus
- Seizure
- Sickle cell anemia disorders
- Chest Pain
- Dyspnea
- Headache
- Facial Pain
- Mental status changes
- delirium
- Stupor/coma
- Acute abdominal pain
- New fever
- New rash
- Lower extremity edema
- Anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, nausea/emesis
- Hematochezia
- Cough
- Dizziness
- Swollen joint
- Weakness
- Allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma
- Allergic rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis
- Acute and chronic urticaria
- Anaphylaxis
- Acute and chronic otitis media
- Acute and chronic sinusitis
- Common variable immunodeficiency
- Contact dermatitis
- Pityriasis rosea
- Skin cancer (See Also: Lecture)
- Urticaria
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Atopic and contact dermatitis
- Bacterial and fungal skin infections
- Herpes simplex and zoster
- Warts
- Scabies
- Drug reactions
- Insect bites
- Eczema
- Lichen planus
- Lichen simplex
- Pigmentation disorders
- Alopecia
- Corns and calluses
- Skin manifestations of serious systemic diseases
- Procedures: Punch and shave skin biopsies
- Procedures: Remove warts and skin tags
- Headaches, dizziness, etc.
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Myasthenia gravis
- Epilepsy
- Procedures: Be able to perform screening and a detailed neurological exam
- Procedures: Be able to perform at least ten electrocardiograms per day
- Procedures: Be able to perform treadmill tests
- Procedures: Be able to perform cardiac scintigraphy
- Procedures: Be able to perform stress electrocardiography
- Procedures: Identify abnormalities on ultrasounds, barium studies, CT scans, plain radiographs, etc.
- Acute ischemic syndromes
- Cardiac arrhythmia’s
- Cardiopulmonary arrest
- Cardiac tamponade
- Congestive heart failure
- Coagulopathies
- Drug overdose/toxicology emergencies
- Upper or lower gastrointestinal bleeding
- Hemodynamic instability
- Hypertension
- Hypothermia
- Hyperthermia
- Infectious diseases
- Acute and chronic liver failure
- Acid -base and metabolic emergencies
- Pregnancy
- Renal failure
- Respiratory or ventilatory failure (ARDS, Asthma, COPD, Empyema, Interstitial Lung Disease, Pneumonia, Pulmonary vasculitis, Pulmonary alveolar hemorrhage syndromes)
- Pulmonary embolism
- Sepsis
- Stroke
- Transplant Complications
- Procedures:
- Central line placement: Femoral (n = 5)
- Central line placement: Internal jugular (n = 5)
- Central line placement: Subclavian (n = 5)
- Pulmonary artery catheter placement and interpretation of pulmonary artery catheter data (n= 10)
- Arterial line placement radial (n = 5) and Femoral (n = 5)
- ABG collection and interpretation (n = 5)
- Intubation and mechanical ventilation (n = 8)
- Nasogastric and oral-gastric intubation (n = 3)
- Lumbar puncture (n = 5)
- Thoracentesis (n = 5)
- Paracentesis ( n = 6)
- Chest tube thoracotomy (optional) ( n = 5)
Musculoskeletal Medicine / Pain Management
- Myalgias
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Soft tissue rheumatism
- Bursitis
- Epicondylitis
- Tendinitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Spondyloarthropathies
- Crystal-induced arthropathies
- Systemic Lupus erythematosus
- Inflammatory myopathies
- Mixed connective tissue disease
- Systemic sclerosis
- Giant cell arteritis
- Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Differential diagnosis of vasculitis fibromyalgia
- Procedure: Perform joint aspiration of large synovial joints and be able to interpret synovial fluid analyses.
- Procedure: Interpret plain radiographs and MRI
- Procedure: Be able to inject into the shoulder, elbow, knee, or wrist joints
- Procedure: Be able to inject into the subacromial, olecranon, trochanteric, and anserine bursae
- Procedure: Be able to inject into the carpal tunnel
- Procedures: Be able to perform a nerve block, epidural, pain pump refill, or trigger point injection
- Procedures: Be able to perform cryotherapy
- Chest pain
- Abdonimal pain
- Cardiac dysrhythmias
- Altered Mental Status including coma
- Dizziness
- Hypotension
- Syncope
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Severe Hypertension
- Dyspnea
- Musculoskeletal Trauma
- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Procedure: Be able to perform endotracheal intubation, lumbar puncture, ABG collection, central line placement, I and D of an abscess, and basic suturing techniques
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Critical Hypocalcemia and Hypercalcemia Hyperparathyroidism
Gynecomastia - Hirsutism
- Amenorrhea and Impotence Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs) and associated disorders (insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, infertility)
- Posterior Pituitary Dysfunction (SIADH, Diabetes Insipidus)
- Paget’s disease
- Osteomalacia
- Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
- Cushing’s syndromes and Adrenal insufficiency Incidental adrenal mass
- Pituitary Apoplexy and Empty Sella
- Primary Dyslipidemias
- Secondary hyperlipidemias
- Anatomic thyroid abnormalities (goiter, multinodular, etc.)
- Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroiditis and Thyroid cancer
- Secondary-Endocrine Hypertension (primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome
- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
- Primary and Secondary Hypogonadism
- Androgen and estrogen replacement therapies
- Hypoituitaryism and Excess Pituitary Hormone Disorders
- Hyponatremia and SIADH
- Radiological evaluation of pituitary tumors
- Pheochromocytoma
- Thyroid storm and myxedema
- Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) and Glucose Intolerance (IGT)
- Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome
- Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
- Diabetes mellitus
- Metabolic bone disorders
- Procedure: Be able to perform nuclear medicine procedures, ultrasound studies and fine needle aspiration biopsies.
- Procedure: Be able to perform and understand DXA scans and results.
- Sodium Balance
- Potassium Balance
- Disorders of calcium and magnesium balances
- Simple and Mixed Acidosis
- Simple and Mixed Alkalosis
- Acute and Chronic Renal Failure
- Systemic Hypertension
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Primary and Secondary Hypertension
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
- Acute and Chronic glomerular, tubular and interstitial diseases
- Procedure: Interpret blood and urine biochemistry results
- Procedure: Be able to perform and interpret microscopic urinalysis
- Procedure: Be able to perform medical microbiology and anatomical histopathology in the evaluation and treatment of patients with renal disease
- Procedure: Be able to perform dialysis
- Dysphasia
- Heartburn
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Jaundice
- Ascites
- Geriatric gastroenterology GERD
- Advanced liver disease
- Acute gastrointestinal bleeding from the upper and lower GI tract
- Caustic ingestion and foreign body extraction
- Acute abdomen
- Intestinal obstruction
- Severe diarrhea including acute presentations of IBD Intestinal ischemia
- Acute and Chronic pancreatitis
- Biliary tract obstruction and cholangitis
- Acute hepatic failure
- Motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
- Ileus
- Bowel obstruction
- Volvulus
- Free air in the peritoneal cavity or mediastinum
- Bowel wall edema (thumbprinting)
- Fecal impaction
- Calcifications
- Lesions
- Disorders of the esophagus including esophagitis, esophageal spasm, and achalasia
- Intestinal motility disorders
- Malabsorption and maldigestion including mucosal diseases and pancreatic insufficiency
- Infectious diseases of viral, bacterial, mycotic, or parasitic etiology including HIV and its gastrointestinal manifestations
- Immununologically-based diseases
- Etiologies of hepatitis and cholestasis
- Pathophysiology and treatment of portal hypertension
- Premalignant and malignant processes
- Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and proctitis
- Anatomy and blood supply of the gastrointestinal tract
- Role of the stomach, pancreas, and bile with respect to digestion
- Mechanisms and sites of nutrient and electrolyte absorption by the small intestine and colon
- Regulation of gastric, pancreatic, biliary, and intestinal secretion
- The role of the liver in the: synthesis and release of essential metabolic factors such as albumin and prothrombin into the blood, metabolism and detoxification of a number of substances, and synthesis and secretion of bile
- Barret’s/Non-Barret’s epithelium
- Gastroenterology Procedures (sources for the following can be found by clicking here):
- Upper and lower Barium contrast x-rays, recognizing ulcers, filling defects, masses, strictures, etc.
- Ultrasonography
- Computed tomography
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Vascular, pancreatic, and biliary radiology
- Nuclear imaging and isotopically based tests including breath analysis and cyanocobalamin absorption
- Plain X-rays of the abdomen
- RUQ ultrasound, recognizing common ultrasound abnormalities such as ascites, gallstones, intrahepatic biliary tract dilatation, and liver and abdominal absecesses.
- Cholangiograms and pancreatograms and recognize stones, strictures, neoplasms, and the signs of chronic pancreatitis.
- Additional Gastroenterology Procedures (sources for the following can be found by clicking here and viewing the “Gastroenterology Procedural Lecture Series” at the bottom of the page):
- Flexible sigmoidoscopies to a depth of 60+ cm recognizing common colorectal pathology (hemorrhoids, polyps, and cancer)
- Biopsies, manipulating forceps
- Polypectomy, using both biopsy and snare techniques Sclerotherapy and banding with variceal hemorrhages Injection therapy, heater probe, and electorcautery with bleeding lesions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract
- Invasive therapeutic techniques including transhepatic cholangiography and drainage, transhepatic liver biopsy, percutaneous gastrostomy placement, vascular embolization, and placement of internal proto-systemic shunts (TIPS)
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- Placement of feeding tubes
- Placement of Sengstaken-Blakemore or Minnesota tubes for tamponade of bleeding varices
- Percutaneous liver biopsy, identify suitable biopsy site by percussion/palpation or ultrasound
- Paracentesis, indlucing the ability to diagnose ascites using percussion (shifting dullness) and ultrasound
- Capsule Endoscopy
- Basic endoscopy including: intubating the esophagus under direct visualization, understanding normal and post-surgical anatomy, and reaching the proximal small bowel during an upper endoscopy and the cecum during a colonoscopy in almost all patients.
- pH studies and basic esophageal and anorectal motility studies.
- Acute/Chronic Leukemia and Lymphoma
- Febrile and Afebrile Neutropenic Disorders
- Myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliterative syndromes
- Bone Marrow Review
- Thrombocytopenia
- Breast cancer
- Lung cancer
- Colon cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Skin cancers
- Cervical cancer
- Hypercalcemia
- Spinal cord compression
- Brain metastasis
- Tumor lysis syndrome
- Superior vena syndrome
- Respiratory failure and effusions
- Somatic and neutropathic
- Anemia Overall
- Microcytic, macrocytic, and normocytic (including hemolytic) anemia
- Platelet dysfunction
- Von Willebrand’s disease
- Procedures: Be able to perform chemotherapy
- Procedures: Be able to distribute the correct drug treatments (speak with your mentor for more information here)
- Febrile Neutropenia
- Nosocomial and Community Acquired Pneumonia Cellulitis
- Chronic Wound Infections
- Endocarditis
- Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Patients Multi-drug Resistant Organisms such as MRSA and VRE
- Sepsis Syndrome
- Meningitis
- STD’s
- Diarrhea
- Rashes
- West Nile Virus
- Bioterrorism
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Pleuropulmonary and bronchial infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Peritonitis and other intra-abdominal infections
- Cardiovascular infections
- Central nervous system infections
- Skin and soft tissue infections
- Infections related to trauma, burns, and human and animal bites
- Gastrointestinal infections and food poisoning symptoms
- Bone and joint infections
- Infections of reproductive organs
- Infections of the eye
- Viral hepatitis
- Nosocomial infections
- Infectious and non-infectious complications of HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Infections in the immunocompromised or neutropenic hosts
- Infections in acute leukemia and lymphoma
- Transplant-related infections, including bone marrow and solid organ
- Infections in geriatric patients
- Infections in travelers
- Infections related to intravenous drug abuse
- Procedure: Diagnosis of HIV, Initial Evaluation, and Selection of Antiretroviral Agents Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections
- Viral hepatitis
- Autoimmune liver disease (autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis)
- Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
- Inherited liver disorders (hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, alpha one antitrypsin deficiency) Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Ascites
- Hepatic hydrothorax
- Hepatopulmonary syndrome encephalopathy
- Portal hypertensive bleeding
- Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
- Pruritus
- Autonomic neuropathy
- Metabolic abnormalities
- Hepatorenal syndrome
- Procedure: Be able to perform central line placement, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, etc.
- Procedure: Be able to perform high volume paracenteses