Students will have to learn and be tested on the following information laid out in the curriculum*. All information can be accessed in the resources and lecture videos listed below the curriculum.

The Central Dogma I: DNA as Chemical and Genetic Material
Chapter 2: “Chemical Foundations”
2.0 Introduction,
2.1 Covalent Bonds and Noncovalent Interactions
2.2 Chemical Building Blocks of Cells
*not Amino Acids Differing Only in Their Side Chains Compose Proteins
2.3 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 4: “Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms”
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Structure of Nucleic Acids
The Central Dogma II: RNA Synthesis and Properties
Chapter 4: “Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms”
4.1 Structure of Nucleic Acids
4.2 Transcription of Protein-Coding Genes and Formation of Functional mRNA
4.3 The Decoding of mRNA by tRNAs
The Central Dogma III: Protein Synthesis and Properties
Chapter 2: “Chemical Foundations”
2.2 Chemical Building Blocks of Cells
Chapter 3: “Protein Structure and Function”
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Hierarchical Structure of Proteins
3.2 Protein Folding
Chapter 4: “Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms”
4.3 The Decoding of mRNA by tRNAs
4.4 Stepwise Synthesis of Proteins on Ribosomes
Biomolecule Structure and Function
Chapter 2: “Chemical Foundations”
2.3 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 3: “Protein Structure and Function”
3.3 Protein Binding and Enzyme Catalysis
3.5 Purifying, Detecting, and Characterizing Proteins
Chapter 10: “Biomembrane Structure”
10.2 Membrane Proteins: Structure and Basic Functions
Chromosomes I: DNA Packaging in Cells
Chapter 6: “Genes, Genomics, and Chromosomes”
6.0 Introduction
6.6 Structural Organization of Eukaryotic Chromosomes
6.7 Morphology and Functional Elements of Eukaryotic Chromosomes
Chromosomes II: The Microanatomy of Eukaryotic DNA
Chapter 6: “Genes, Genomics, and Chromosomes”
6.1 Eukaryotic Gene Structure
6.2 Chromosomal Organization of Genes and Noncoding DNA
6.3 Transposable (Mobile) DNA Elements
6.4 Organelle DNAs
DNA Replication and Repair
Chapter 4: “Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms”
4.5 DNA Replication
4.6 DNA Repair and Recombination
*not Two Systems Utilize Recombination to Repair Double-Strand Breaks in DNA
Chapter 24: “Cancer”
24.5 Carcinogens and Caretaker Genes in Cancer
DNA Recombination
Chapter 4: “Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms”
4.6 DNA Repair and Recombination
Chapter 19: “The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle”
20.8 Meiosis: A Special Type of Cell Division
Chapter 23: “Immunology”
23.2 Immunoglobulins: Structure and Function
23.3 Generation of Antibody Diversity and B-Cell Development
Recombinant DNA I: Restriction Enzymes, Cloning and Libraries
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.0 Introduction
5.2 DNA Cloning and Characterization
Recombinant DNA II: Sequencing DNA and Polymerase Chain Reaction
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.2 DNA Cloning and Characterization

Examination I

Recombinant DNA III: Molecular Analysis Using Cloned Sequences
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.3 Using Cloned DNA Fragments to Study Gene Expression
Transcription I: RNA Polymerases, Transcription in Prokaryotes
Chapter 7: “Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression”
7.0 Introduction
7.1 Control of Gene Expression in Bacterial
7.2 Overview of Eukaryotic Gene Control and RNA Polymerases
Transcription II: Transcription Initiation, Elongation, and Termination
Chapter 7: “Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression”
7.3 RNA Polymerase II Promoters and General Transcription Factors
7.8 Other Eukaryotic Transcription Systems
Transcription III: Regulation of Transcription
Chapter 7: “Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression”
7.5 Molecular Mechanisms of Transcription Repression and Activation
7.6 Regulation of Transcription-Factor Activity
7.7 Epigenetic Regulation of Transcription
Gene Expression on the Genome Scale
Friend SH and Stoughton RB, 2002. The magic of microarrays. Scientific American 286:44–49,53.
Chapter 24: “Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression”
24.1 Tumor Cells and Onset of Cancer
“DNA Microarray Analysis of Expression Patterns Can Reveal Subtle Differences Between Tumor Cells”
Enhancers and Combinatorial Gene Regulation
Chapter 7: “Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression”
7.4 Regulatory Sequences in Protein-Coding Genes and the Proteins Through Which They Function
Molecular Genetic Analysis I: Mutation Analysis
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.1 Genetic Analysis of Mutations to Identify and Study Genes

Examination II

Molecular Genetic Analysis II: Transgenics
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.5 Inactivating the Function of Specific Genes in Eukaryotes
Molecular Genetic Analysis III: Cloning a Human Gene
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.4 Locating and Identifying Human Disease Genes
Molecular Genetic Analysis IV: Reverse Genetics
Chapter 5: “Molecular Genetic Techniques”
5.5 Inactivating the Function of Specific Genes in Eukaryotes
Post-transcriptional Control
Chapter 8: “Post-Transcriptional Gene Control”
8.0 Introduction, p. 345–348
8.1 Processing of Eukaryotic Pre-mRNA
8.2 Regulation of Pre-mRNA Processing
8.3 Transport of mRNA Across the Nuclear Envelope
Transcription and Nuclear Organization
Schneider R and Grosschedl R, 2007. Dynamics and interplay of nuclear architecture, genome
organization, and gene expression. Genes and Development
Köhler A and Hurt E, 2010. Gene regulation by nucleoporins and links to cancer.
Translational and Post-translational Control
Chapter 3: “Protein Structure and Function”
3.4 Regulating Protein Function
Chapter 8: “Post-Transcriptional Gene Control”
8.4 Cytoplasmic Mechanisms of Post-transcriptional Control
MODULE 7 | Genomics and Systems Biology
Sequencing and Annotating an Entire Genome
Yandell M. and Ence D, 2012. A beginner’s guide to eukaryotic genome annotation. Nature Reviews Genetics 13:329-342.
Comparative, Functional, and Personal Genomics
Chapter 6: “Genes, Genomics, and Chromosomes”
6.5 Genomics: Genome-wide Analysis of Gene Structure and Expression
Proteomics, Metabolomics, Microbiomics and Systems Biology
Chapter 3: “Protein Structure and Function”
3.6 Proteomics
Conclusion: The Future of Molecular Biology
Nature feature, The Human Genome at Ten (
Lander ES, 2011. Initial impact of the sequencing of the human genome. Nature 470:187–197.
Green ED, Guyer MS and NHGRI, 2011. Charting a course for genomic medicine from base pairs
to bedside. Nature 470:204–213.
Weinberg RA, 2010. Point: hypotheses first. Nature 464:678.
Golub TR, 2010. Counterpoint: data first. Nature 464:679.

Final Examination


This curriculum was derived from the Cell Biology curriculum at New York University.