Education: Academics
Our Mission
OPEN OPPORTUNITY offers an open opportunity to gain skills for today’s medical world in a non-standard educational setting. Our mission is to offer medical education to all students, regardless of their economic status. The future expansion of medical care in low- and middle-income countries is specifically related to innovative capacity and the digital transformation of the current system of medical education. The demand for medical skills and medical providers has dramatically increased. However, high-quality medical education is expensive and not responsive to the current needs of the world’s population.
Innovation in Medical Education
INNOVATION IN MEDICAL EDUCATION is the future of medical education. We bring innovation and improvement to the current medical education system. Medical knowledge can be transferred using the traditional apprenticeship format.
NO CLASSES offers students the opportunity to study independently and at their own pace. Students have the freedom to explore topics and are graded by their preceptors. The concept of self-education thru a Medical School Independent Study Program (ISP) is not new. The ISP Programs have been around for decades and medical school graduates who went thru ISP program did just as well as those in the traditional program. What is unique about our ISP programs is that we are doing it tuition-free.
Apprenticeship system was how clinicians used to be educated at the turn of the century. We offer programs for those who want to study medicine by apprenticeship.
Medical knowledge is now better explained and more accessible than ever before. Each student is assigned a physician preceptor that will mentor the student throughout their clinical training.
Unlike the current medical education system, students here will not waste valuable time learning materials that they will never use in clinical practice. Instead, they will start clinical training from day one. As they study a particular disease, they will also learn its relevant basic medical sciences at the same time.
The traditional apprenticeship system is now needed now more than ever before because:
1. Rapid advances in all branches of medicine have made it difficult for even specialists to keep up-to-date.
2. Many of the subjects that are taught during pre-medical and medical years of training have very little use in clinical practice.
3. Medical students do not get to care for an actual patient until their 7th year of training.
4. The ever-rising cost of medical education demands a change in the way physicians are trained with a median debt of between$170,000 and $200,000 for 84% of 2014’s graduating class in the US.
5. Most physicians will have only two to three years of actual patient experience in their area of specialty upon graduation from residency or fellowship training.
6. While 80% of medical trainings are provided in inpatient settings, about 80-90% of the actual clinical care is provided in outpatient settings for which minimal training is provided.
Apprenticeship has the following advantages:
1. You start to learn medicine with patient contact from the first day of your training.
2. You are involved in patient care in the mornings and study in the afternoon or in the evenings.
3. Only areas that are relevant to your specialty are taught during training.
4. You will have years of actual patient experience upon completion of your Program.
5. There are no fees for registration or tuition for our programs before, during, and after the completion of these programs.
Our entire program is designed to develop skills that the modern medical workplace requires for medical providers. Students don’t just learn medicine; they learn how to think, be creative, solve problems, and work on projects. The skills they learn are designed to teach them what medical providers need for today’s and tomorrow’s medical office, hospital, or clinic.
The traditional educational system is not designed to suit everyone, which is fine, but there need to be alternatives. Our educational model is structured on preceptor-based learning. We don’t have any classes.
Physician Preceptors are an integral part of our program. We can help you locate a physician preceptor in your area once you are registered.
Clinical Specialist Program
We offer a program to train Clinical Specialists.
A clinical Specialist is a clinician who is trained in only one specific medical or surgical specialty such as urology, neurology, or rheumatology. Students here will start their training in the specialty program of their choice from day one. They follow the traditional medical education that uses an apprenticeship system.
Students are taught by specialists in their respective fields and are expected to learn only the areas that are relevant to their specialty concentration. Our program is rigid yet flexible; certain courses are required in a particular order, while there are others that students are free to explore. The length of courses ranges from one week to six months, depending on their depth and complexity. Students will attend the clinic with their preceptors during the day and study in the afternoon and evenings. The curriculum will be tailored based on the students’ previous academic background.
Prerequisite for Clinical Specialist Program is the completion of the High School Diploma. This program is obviously ideal for those are already working in a clinic with a physician and they wish to specialize in the same field.
To start the program, we need to locate a specialist physician in your area willing to provide quality training in the area of your choice. Since TeachMeMedicine’s Clinical Specialist Program is an online program, students are required to present a letter of intent from a physician to provide Specialty training to the applying individual. Upon submission of the letter, the physician is agreeing to teach the individual within the clinical environment and deliver the proper training necessary for completion of a Clinical Specialist certificate.
Medicine is a highly regulated field in part to protect patients. Unfortunately, many of these laws are actually hindering the introduction of new technologies into the healthcare field.
Telemedicine has been available for years and could have saved time and money for millions of patients over the last 10 years, but it is yet to become a mainstream reality.
Current regulations regarding licensing have also not kept up with the times when it comes to providing free medical education. To issue a diploma, a school has to be accredited. To become accredited, a school either has to have at least 10 million dollars or more in cash reserve or join the current medical schools, charge outrageous tuition, and graduate doctors with huge debt. We have not been able to convince accrediting agencies to modify this requirement so that students can graduate debt free.
Although we provide medical education, our programs currently will only allow you to become a medical assistant under existing laws. Medical assistants are not required to have a license. With up to seven years of actual patient experience, our students will be more than qualified to assist their attending physicians in their daily practice of medicine. currently does not grant a degree or diploma. A certificate of completion at the end of our programs allows students to assist a licensed physician in the office setting.
Teach Me Medicine admission is merit-based so that everyone who wants to try will have the opportunity to obtain a quality education despite financial constraints. Our Program is tuition-free. There are no fees for registration or tuition before, during, and after completion of this program.
A high school diploma is the only requirement we have for admission. We do not have requirements for test scores, grades, recommendation letters, or extracurricular activities.
To start please send us a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you do not have a profile, please set up a LinkedIn Profile here and send us the link to your profile.
Medical Biology
From genes to cells, from microbes to humans – you will learn how all the organisms’ function, creating a fascinating system we call life!
This course will lead you through the main concepts of physiology, anatomy, and ecology of plants, animals, and humans. You will gain the basic grasp of the genetics, evolution theory and microbiology. Through the integration of lectures, self-assessment tests and questionnaires you can complete at your own pace, you will finish the course with the fundamental understanding of key biological principles governing all living organisms.
Medical Chemistry
You don’t see them, but they are everywhere – chemicals. Chemistry teaches you about the matter – its properties, composition, and reactivity. In this course, you will become familiar with methodology, application, and scope of modern chemistry. You will learn about the composition of different matters and discover the fascinating world of atoms and all the limitless variation of formations they can create. At the end of the course, you will obtain a solid understanding of the molecular theory, thermodynamics, and stoichiometry.
Medical Math
“Galileo could see that mathematics is essential not because the paper world of mathematics is more interesting than the sensible world around us, but because the language of mathematics enabled him to read the great book of nature as he called it.” – said Stillman Drak.
The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of key mathematics concepts, linear equations, measurement and geometry basics. You will also learn the most common problem-solving techniques, the principals of which you could apply to solving real life situations
Medical Physics
The world is a complex and fascinating place, as you already know from Biology and Chemistry courses. In this course, you will learn the key laws and principles governing the physical world around us.
This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the key methods the scientist use to explore and analyze natural phenomena; the fundamental laws of physics and ways to apply the given data in real-world situations; and help you develop the mathematical ability to apply formulas and derive correct numerical solutions that could be verified in the real world.
Medical Writing
Master the wordsmith art and polish up your English language skills! English is the international language of science. If you’d like to keep an eye on the innovative medical treatment strategies and latest researches, having a good grasp on the language is a must.
Within the course, you’ll extend your medical vocabulary, learn the essential aspects of English punctuation and polite language while strengthening your grammar. The course also includes extensive written assignments to help you master the art of business writing and medical transcription.
Behavioral Medicine
From the principal understanding of the human and animal behavior as individuals to more complex subjects of emotional development and socio-cultural ties in the societies, learning behavioral science is an important step to becoming physicians.
In the scope of this course, you will become familiarized with relevant issues in behavioral science including molecular genetics, behavioral evolution, neuroscience among the others. You will be taught to conceptualize patient problems by applying a bio-psycho- social-cultural-spiritual formulation and gain a hands-on approach to applying theoretical material during your real life practice.
Basic Sciences
Our bodies are complex and unique systems. During the Anatomy course you will learn how our bodies are structured, our organs function and which exact purpose they serve. With the help of interactive materials and online illustrated encyclopedia you’ll move from the basic concepts of anatomical position and movement definitions to learning the composition and function principles of the nervous system. Moving from head to toes you will learn the name and the function of each and every body part within the human body.
Biochemistry is a relatively new science offering us a deeper understanding of the basics of life through the study of cells, organelles and molecules. This course goes as an introduction to the fascinating world of building materials that comprise all parts of our bodies.
During the scope of your studies you will learn about the structure and key properties of the most important biochemical compounds (water, weak acids and amino acids, proteins, enzymes, lipids and the basics of DNA replication). Related areas such as the fundamentals of biotechnology and glycolysis will be also discussed during the second and third part of the video lectures course.
Cell Biology
Cells are the tiniest structural and functional building blocks of any live organism. Human bodies are composed of trillions of cells. During this course you will learn about the cell structure and organization. You’ll get to know how those tiny items take nutrients from food, convert them into energy and serve a great variety of specialized functions within our body. You’ll discover the key patterns of cell cycle, mitosis and reproduction – meaning the way how our body loses and regenerates itself. Cell Biology course also entails an introductory course to Biogenetics that includes a series of lectures on the genetics code, gene regulation and expression. The second half of the course is comprised of lectures revolving around certain body systems – reproductive, digestive, immune systems and more with a final lecture covering the basics of cancer biology and medicine, a subject you may later take as part of the Clinical Sciences Curriculum.
Embryology is a special division of Biology that studies the exact processes of creating a new life. From the development of gametes or sex cells to the process of fertilization, and development of embryos and fetuses, this science will help you understand the step-by-step process of new organism formation.
The goal of this course is to develop a solid understanding of the essential aspects of embryogenesis and get to know that many pre-birth malformations and birth defects arise from the improper control of specific embryological events. You will learn about all stages and processes a human organism passes from a pair of gametes to a fully-developed fetus; gain a solid understanding of the fertilization process; learn how the fertilized cell develops during the pre-implantation and implantation stage and morph into an embryo during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. The final part of the course covers the fetal phase of development along with the chromosomal and gene mutations processes that might occur at different stages of organism development.
Behavioral Biology
Behavioral Biology is a trilling, interdisciplinary science that will help you understand how biology affects the mind, and the mind affects the body. This course was developed by professor Robert Sapolsky – a renowned neurobiologist, best selling author and one of the finest teachers in Stanford.
In 25 video lectures you will get to know how our behavioral patterns evolved within time and which factors majorly contributed to this process. You’ll master the basics of molecular and behavioral genetics that studies the inheritance of certain behavioral traits. Related areas such as Neuroscience, Endocrinology, Human Sexual Behavior and common physiological disease such as Schizophrenia will be also covered within the scope of this course.
Learn how our bodies naturally resist infection and toxins with the help of the immune system. This amazing course from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, created by professor Harris Goldstein offers a general introduction to the composition of the immune system, followed by 13 more lectures explaining the system’s specific parts and sub-systems. You’ll finish the course with a solid understanding of what are T-lymphocytes and why they are crucially important for keeping our bodies healthy; get to know what is humoral immune response and how our immune system acts when invaded by pathogens.
Being part of biology, neuroscience deals with one particular system in our body – the nervous system. In particular, you will grasp the key concepts of Neuroanatomy and learn the exact composition of nervous tissue and neural structures that form the complete nervous system.
The course includes working with large graphical materials and online textbook and covers the following major topics as Pathways, Structure and Vasculature of the Central Nervous System.
Learn how living things normally work and function by diving into the incredible world of physiological processes that make our bodies function the way they do.
Within this lengthy course of video lectures you’ll move from the simplest to the most complicated process constantly happening inside our bodies: from the property of Homeostasis that regulates such important parameters as our body temperature and the balance between acidity and alkalinity (pH balance) to the more complex processes of cell diffusion and osmosis. As you master the fundamentals, you will proceed to analyzing more compound processes including digestion and the functional anatomy of respective organs; hormones production and their respective roles within the organism; muscle functions and their composition; blood and lymphatic system functions; and gain some additional insights about the immune and reproduction system that were not previously covered in other courses.
As you have already gained the underlying principles of cell formation and functioning within the courses of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, you have now developed a solid knowledge base to study the microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and protozoa, dwelling in our organisms.
This course covers the essential aspects of microbiology and offers a detailed perspective into the complement system that helps the antibodies and phagocytic cells resist pathogens, thus healing our organism. Special attention would be given to the Immunoglobulins – their structure and function; antigen and antibody reactions and formation. Related topics covered within the scope of the course also include: cell-to-cell interactions; major histocompatibility complex overview; Immunization; Hypersensitivity States; Antibiotics; DNA virus replication strategies and more.
Within the course of Pathology you will learn the fundamentals of making the right diagnoses through the examination of the body tissues, fluids and organs. This is the underlying course for further practical sciences you will learn during the consequent block of Clinical Sciences.
In 60+ video lectures you will go through the processes of regeneration and healing; learn about hemodynamic, immune and genetic disorders; develop a comprehensive understanding of infectious diseases, female and male reproductive systems and endocrine system functions among the other topics.
Learn the science of understanding and prescribing the most effective drugs to cure each type of disease. The final course within Basic Sciences Curriculum will teach you how certain types of drugs interact with other components in our bodies and which results they can cause.
This course was developed on the base of a textbook by Michael Gordon, Ph.D. It consists of 41 Chapters covering all the essentials from Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics to more specific pharmacology practices related to certain types of drugs including Antidepressant, Autonomic, Antiparasitic Drugs among others. Each chapter is followed up by a series of self-assessment tests and questionaries’ you are highly encouraged to take. Don’t forget you have an exam session ahead of you before you could move to final level of your studies!
Clinical Programs
Allergy and Immunology
Identification, management and treatment of allergic diseases require expertise in testing for allergens, diagnosing specific diseases, such as asthma, and examining the latest research and treatment protocols. You will learn how to perform tests for allergies and immune deficiencies such as pulmonary function and skin prick tests, read chest X-rays for thymic shadow, interpret results of pulmonary function tests, and synthesize clinical histories and exam results for patient workups.
Anesthesiologists are critical personnel during the performance of any surgery. Anesthesiology comprises a study of all types of anesthetics utilized to keep a patient both comfortable and safe during surgical procedures, the protocols for monitoring all vital signs during surgery, and ensuring that the patient recovers from the anesthetics administered once the surgery is over. You will be able to perform airway evaluations and will understand basic ventilation strategies and fluid management, as well as local and general anesthetic indications and risk factors, based upon patient history. You will also be able to identify and monitor risk factors during intraoperative and postoperative care.
Cardiovascular Medicine
Diseases of the heart and circulatory system are numerous and serious. This clinical will involve a study of the prevention, diagnosis, causes, and treatment/management protocols for diseases related specifically to the heart and to the vascular systems. You will learn how to perform and record appropriate physical examinations related to the cardiovascular system, interpret results of diagnostic testing and assist in the development of treatment plans and/or make recommendations for surgical procedures.
Diseases of the skin, hair, scalp, nails and genitals, including skin cancers and immune-related skin disorders, all fall within the specialty of dermatology. Emphasis is placed on diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders and the most current research in therapies. Course objectives include an understanding or cutaneous anatomy and pathology, knowledge of common skin diseases, and the ability to interpret microscopic slides.
Ear, Nose, and Throat
This clinical will address all current diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, sinuses, larynx, mouth and throat, as well as structures in the head and neck areas related to these functions. Emphasis will be placed on diagnosis and both non-surgical and surgical treatment protocols. By the end of the course you will be able to understand the pathogenesis of otorhinolaryngologic conditions, perform diagnoses, and develop treatment plans; you will also have practical understanding of corrective surgical procedures and post-operative management.
Emergency Medicine
The field of emergency medicine involves treatment for any types of trauma, as well as for chronic and acute conditions that may cause an individual to seek emergency care. Sub-sections of this clinical will deal with trauma from injury, medical toxicology, acute diseases, and onset of acute conditions related to chronic illness or disease. You will learn how to recognize symptom as common, or urgent, take appropriate patient histories and develop diagnoses for symptom presentations. You will also learn how to interpret the results of a variety of tests, and make decisions relative to the need for consultation or admission.
Hormonal imbalances may be responsible for a number of conditions. In this course, you will learn the causes of hormone imbalances as well as the treatment procedures for the symptoms, conditions, and diseases that these imbalances cause. Special emphasis will be on diabetes and thyroid disorders, and current methods and treatments for restoring normal hormonal balance. You will develop an ability to evaluate, develop treatment plans, and to monitor efficacy of treatments for common disorders and to develop enough familiarity with uncommon disorders to make determinations to evaluate the need for consultation with sub-specialists.
This clinical will provide a thorough study of both chronic and acute diseases and disorders of all organs and systems that relate to consumption and digestion. Any disorder associated with the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and the complete biliary system will be addressed, along with current best practices related to diagnosis, treatment, and surgical procedures. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete patient history and physical examinations to prepare a diagnostic workup for common gastrointestinal disorders, interpret laboratory and imaging tests, prepare treatment plans and/or recognize the need for surgery.
General Internal Medicine
Emphasis will be on the pathology of human diseases with focus on cardiovascular, hematologic, pulmonary, immunologic, endocrine, and rheumatologic system, oncology and infectious diseases, their cause, treatment and management. You will learn how to complete and record and appropriate medical history based upon symptom presentation and to determine what types of diagnostic tests should be performed to confirm a suspected diagnosis. Based upon a diagnosis, you will then be able to establish and implement a treatment protocol and/or make recommendations for admission and/or surgery.
Genomics Medicine
Genomics will involve an integrated study of genome characteristics and sequencing, transcriptomics, comparative genomics and genomic data analysis, as well a genetically caused diseases and disorders. New research in biogenetic engineering and oncology treatments will also be addressed. You will learn the types of genomic testing available and develop and understanding of their uses in the screening, diagnosis and management of disease. You will also learn treatment protocols based upon the latest research in the field and make recommendations for treatments based upon patient history and presentations.
Hematology and Oncology
Clinical hematology will include a study of the diagnosis, treatment protocols, and management of blood cell disorders and diseases, as well as the physiology of hematopoiesis. New treatments and management of oncological diseases shall also be addressed. You will learn diagnostic procedures related to disorders and diseases of the blood, methods of interpreting tests, both laboratory and imaging, how to assess tumors as a result of imaging and biopsies, and the chemotherapy protocols and other therapies for various types of cancers. You will also learn the effect of immune deficiencies in the treatment of cancers and the most current protocols for addressing those issues.
Infectious Diseases
Course study shall include the principles of microbiology as related to infectious diseases and pharmacological treatments of these diseases. Emphasis will be placed upon characteristics and properties of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi, the diseases they cause, and the mechanisms of causality and manifestations. You will learn the physical and chemical methods for the control of microorganisms and how these are used to prevent and control infectious diseases. You will also learn to interpret laboratory test results and to design therapeutic treatment plans for a variety of bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal diseases determining the comparative efficacy of vaccines, antibiotics or other protocols. You will also be introduced to emerging pathogens and their threats.
Goals of this course include mastery of the methods of testing and diagnosis of acute and chronic renal disorders, diseases, and failure, determination of proper treatment protocols based upon test results and symptoms, and long-term care and management. You will learn how to identify the symptoms and signs of the most common renal disorders and diseases including injury, failure, nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. You will be able to interpret lab and imaging test results and to design specific therapeutic treatments including pharmacological, dialysis, and/or surgery.
Neurology and Sleep Medicine
Neurology is a relatively new field of medicine and clinical practice which has as its goal the research and recording of the electrical activity of the brain, spine and nerves. Emphasis will be placed upon diagnoses and treatment of nervous system and sleep disorders, along with connections between brain activity and certain psychiatric disorders. You will learn how to conduct a neurologic examination and to read and interpret EEG, CT, and MRI results. You will also be able to recognize symptoms that may signal a neurological disease (e.g. issues of cognition, language, hearing, vision, motor and autonomic functions and equilibrium), and develop an approach to management of those diseases, including the need to request additional consultation.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
This course shall cover medical care to female patients in the following clinical areas: diagnosis and treatment of gynecological disorders and diseases; maternal-fetal medicine and related surgeries, including prenatal and post-natal care; ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer diagnoses and treatments; menopausal issues and treatments. Specific short units of study shall include natural, drug-assisted and Caesarian deliveries. You will learn procedures for taking accurate and comprehensive patient histories, for determining the appropriate types of laboratory and imaging testing, and for interpreting test results. You will be able to determine treatment protocols for normal and high-risk pregnancies and for fetal testing to determine disorders. You will also learn appropriate diagnostic testing procedures for gynecological cancers as well as treatment protocols.
Coursework and clinicals shall include the following sub-sections: a study of eye examination protocols; the diagnosis of ophthalmologic disorders and diseases and treatments, surgical and non-surgical. Students shall be exposed to sub-specialties in cornea, retina, oculoplastics, glaucoma, neurophthalmology, and pediatric vision disorders. Students will learn how to perform and interpret normal eye examinations and tests for eye disorders and diseases including macular degeneration retinal detachment, cataracts, and glaucoma. Students will also be able to identify vision changes due to neuropathy, hypertension, age and diabetes. Students will determine appropriate treatment protocols for a variety of disorders and diseases.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Course emphasis is placed upon the recognition of common musculoskeletal injury and disease, based upon patient history, examination and imaging. Practice in the development of suitable treatment options and protocols will be included as well. Students will learn how to perform basic osteopathic examinations and to recommend further tests, including X-ray, CT and MRI imaging in order to determine patient need for surgery and develop rehabilitation and therapeutic protocols for post-surgical patients. Students will also learn how to evaluate congenital deformities that could impact intraoperative and postoperative care.
Palliative Care
The course goal is to develop competencies in palliative care. Training shall occur in core areas of symptom and pain management, coordination of care for the terminally ill of all age ranges, and involvement of other medical professionals as appropriate. Other aspects of the course relate to ethics and communication skills. Through this course, you will extend your understanding of palliative care and management of symptoms and pain for the patient; you will also understand the need for a team approach as care is provided by medical, sociological, psychological, and spiritual professionals in the care of terminally ill patients.
This course covers a wide range of medical diagnoses, care and treatment of children. Units of study and clinical practice shall include normal growth and development, diagnosis and treatment of common pediatric infections and diseases, immunization protocols, serious injuries, acute cardio-pulmonary emergencies, blood disorders, and cancers. Upon completion of this course and clinical, you will be able to describe the causes and presentations of most common pediatric diseases and disorders. You will be able to take a complete patient history, perform a pediatric physical examination and prepare a written report of any diagnostic and/or clinical findings. You will also develop treatment protocols for common acute and chronic conditions.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
This course is designed to provide a fundamental knowledge of the classes of drugs used to treat disorders, infections, and diseases, their indication, their clinical effects, their mechanisms, pharmacokinetics, contraindications, adverse effects, and drug interactions. When you complete the course, you will be able to utilize a medically-sound approach to the development of drug therapies for patients, including selection, dosage, and patient monitoring, as well evaluation of the efficacy of treatment. You will know how to monitor patient responses to pharmacological treatments and to alter treatment protocols accordingly.
This course provides students with the core principles of major disease prevention and delivery of health and prevention education services to local communities. Student will learn how to assess prevention education needs, to develop interventions and to conduct evaluative research related to health and prevention. Working with other community resources to achieve health and prevention goals will also be a focus of this coursework, including participation in education, immunization efforts and other prevention activities.
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the major classes of psychiatric disorders and illnesses. Units of study will include diagnosis, assessment and management protocols, including pharmacological interventions. Additional study will focus on neurobiological aspects of mental illness. Students will learn the general characteristics of a variety of mental illnesses, based upon professional classifications. They will be able to identify presentations of these disorders in patients and recommend further diagnostics to determine presence of the illness, including psychiatric evaluations and neurological testing. Students will learn the classifications of pharmacological therapies, and be able to make recommendations for treatment plans.
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Course content includes a thorough study of the prevention, causes, diagnoses and treatment/management protocols for critically ill patients with lung disease. Sub-units include specific content related to emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and cancers. Students will gain experience in taking patient histories, conducting physical examinations, and interpreting results of diagnostic testing. Students will also have experience in development of patient treatment plans including pharmacological and other therapeutic protocols. All students will be able to perform technical procedures, including intubation, biopsies, chest tube placement, and maintenance or mechanical ventilation equipment.
This course prepares students in areas of radiography, to include X-rays, CT, and MRI imaging. Sub-sections of coursework relate to chest, abdomen, spine, upper and lower GI series, extremities, biliary and urinary imaging and the appropriate imaging procedures for each, along with skill development in evaluating results of imaging. Students will learn how to interpret radiological findings, perform diagnoses based upon those findings, and make treatment recommendations, including understanding the need for a specialist when appropriate.
Students will familiarize themselves with the most common musculoskeletal disorders and diseases, as well as diseases of connective tissues. Skill development includes diagnosis of condition such as arthritis, as well as arthrocentesis and joint injections. Treatment protocols from medicine to equipment to therapy and to surgery will be addressed. Students will be able to perform a full musculoskeletal exam and develop a report that includes is and a full patient history. Based upon these and additional testing as warranted, students will provide diagnoses and make recommendations for treatment, to include physical therapies, pharmacological treatments, and surgery.
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine coursework will include modules in anatomy and physiology, first aid, injury prevention, diagnosis through symptoms and imaging, treatment protocols, surgery and physical therapy. Two smaller sub-sets relate to nutrition and sports psychology. Students who complete this course will have the ability to perform a full physical examination in order to determine fitness for athletic participation; perform diagnostic exams and recommend other diagnostic testing to determine presence of injuries – muscular, skeletal, and neurological; and develop treatment plans for injuries, to include pharmacological, physical therapeutic regimens, and/or surgery.
Students who complete this course and clinicals will be able to understand procedures for diagnosis of the need for surgery and for care of patients who require surgery. Protocols for anesthesiology, operating room environments, and post-operative treatment will be covered. Additional units relate to surgical anatomy and identification of various surgical procedures performed by physicians in medical specialties. Students will be able to take a complete medical history of a surgical patient and provide a full workup prior to surgery; students will learn surgical protocols and procedures for pre-operative, intraoperative, and post-operative patient care, as well as provide recommendations for post-operative procedures.
This course provides a broad immersion into disorders and diseases of the urinary tract. Student will learn diagnostic procedures and treatment protocols that include pharmacology and surgery. They will be able to complete full patient histories, physical examinations, and recommend appropriate diagnostic testing. They will also interpret results of testing to provide a final diagnosis and development of a treatment plan.