Clinical Signs

Clinical signs are many and can help in making early diagnosis. These are outlined below under various specialty listed:
1. Aaron’s sign · Appendicitis → Epigastric distress
2. Alder’s sign · Appendicitis in pregnancy → Shifting tenderness
3. Cullen’s sign · Ectopic pregnancy → Ecchymosis of umbilicus
· Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis (haemoperitoneum)

4. Carnett’s sign · Plane of Abdominal Swelling
5. Chilaiditi’s sign · Interposition of colon between liver and diaphragm
6. Cope’s sign (Psoas sign) · Acute appendicitis
7. Cope’s psoas test · Acute appendicitis
8. Courvoisier’s sign · Obstructive jaundice → If gall bladder is palpable it is not due to gall stones (Curvoisier’s law)
9. Crowe’s sign · Neurofibromatosis Axillary feckling
10. DaRLymple sign · Grave’s ophthalmopathy → Retraction of upper eyeLid
11. Dance sign · Intussusception Emptiness in right iliac fossa
12. Echo sign · Heard over hydatid cyst → Percussion sound resembling an echo
13. Ewart’s sign · Pericardial effusion → Dull on percussion at lower angle of left scapula
14. Fox sign · Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis → Discoloration near in­guinal ligament
15. Flush tank sign · Hydronephrosis
16. Grey Turner sign · Hemorhagicparicreatitis → Bruising in left flank (flanks TURn Grey)
17. Griffith sign · Grave’s ophthalmopatly → Lower lid lag on upward gaze
18. Guyon’s sign · Ballottement → Floating kidney
19. Homan’s sign · Deep vein thrombosis of calf veins → Pain on sudden dorsiflexion of foot
20. Hamilton Bailey sign · Intussusception → Sausage shaped mass
21. Hitzelberger’s sign · Acoustic neuroma → An­esthesia of external auditory canal due to compression of facial nerve
22. Joffroy’s sign · Grave’s → Absence of wrinkling on forehead
23. Kanavel’s sign · Ulnar bursitis → Site of maximum tenderness
24. Kehr sign · Splenic rupture → Pain elicited in left shoulder

25. Lesar Trelat sign · Internal malignancy of GIT → Sudden appearance & rapid increase in size & number of “seborrhoeic keratosis”
26. Mc. Burney’s sign · Appendicitis → Tenderness over Mc.Bumey point
27. Murphy’s sign · Cholecystitis
28. Moebius sign · Grave’s → Inability to keep eye balls converged
29. Mose’s sign · Deep vein thrombosis → Squeezing relaxed calf causes pain
30. Prehn’s sign · Epididymo-orchitis → El­evation & support of scrotum relieves pain(not in torsion)
31. Puddle sign · Ascites → Small amount (150-500 ml)
32. Pemberton’s sign · Retrosternal thyroid
33. Pointing sign · Appendicitis → Site of maximum pain
34. Panda sign (Raccoon sign) · Trauma/fracture of floor of anterior fossa of skull (black eye)
35. Argyll Robertson pupil sign · Neurosyphilis → Light reflex lost accommodation reflex retained
36. Banana sign · Arnold-Chiari deformity (Hydrocepalus)
37. Bird’s sign · Hydatid disease of lung → Definite zone of dullness
38. Boston’s sign · [Von Graefis sign] → Thyrotoxicosis → Lid lag
39. Bent inner tube sign · Sigmoid volvulus
40. Bird of Prey sign · Barium enema → Sigmoid volvulus
41. Carman’s sign · [Meniscus sign] → Gastric ulcer
42. Chilaiditis sign · Interposition of colon between liver and diaphragm
43. Coiled spring sign · Barium enema → Intussusception
44. Colon cut off sign · Appendicular perforation
· Acute pancreatitis

45. Cupola sign · Pneumoperitoneum → Gas under diaphragm
46. Crow foot sign · Mercedes Benz sign, Seagull’s sign → Gall stones
47. Claw sign · Ileo-colic intuscesception
48. Coffee bean sign · Volvulus of sigmoid colon
49. Double bubble sign · Duodenal obstruction (atresia)
50. Tinel’s sign · Prognostic indicator of nerve recovery
51. Echo sign · Percussion sound heard over hydatid cyst
52. ‘E’ sign (Reverse 3 sign) · Coarctation of aorta (barium swallow)
53. Figure of 3 Sign · Coarctation of aorta (chest x-ray)
54. Frostberg’s sign · Barium study → CA of head of pancreas involving duodenum
55. Kanavey’s sign · Acute pancreatitis (kanavel sign = Tenosynovitis)

56. Hamman’s sign · Pneumo mediastinitis with esophageal rupture → Precordial crunching
57. Kernig’s sign · Meningitis
58. String sign of Kantor · Barium enema → Crohn’s disease
59. Lemon sign · Arnold Chiari deformity → Scalloping of frontal bones
60. Oliver’s sign · Tracheal tug → Aneurysm of aorta
61. Omega sign · Sigmoid volulus
62. Panda sign · Raccoon sign (Black eye) Trauma, fracture of floor of the anterior fossa of skull
63. Rat tail sign · Esophageal carcinoma
64. Trail’s sign · Sternal head of sternomastoid muscle will become prominent on the side to which trachea is deviated
65. Trousseau’s sign · Hypocalcemia → Carpo pedal spasm
· CA pancreas → Migrat­ing superficial thrombophle­bills

66. Water lily sign · Hydatid cyst of the lung
67. Rovsing sign · Acute appendicitis → When left iliac fossa is pressed, pain is felt in right iliac fossa
68. Stellwag’s sign · Grave’s → Staring look
69. Slip sign · Lipoma
70. Suzmann’s sign · Coarctation of aorta
71. Von Graefe’s sign · Grave’s → Lagging of upper lid
72. Tea pot sign · CSF rhinorrhea
73. Jackson sign · Pooling of saliva in pyriform fossa in pyriform cancer fossa
74. Sagging rope sign · Perthe’s disease
75. Finger in Ballon sign · Aneurysmal bone cyst
76. Brim sign · Page’s disease involving pelvis
77. Tripod sign · None paralytic polio
78. Sectoral · AVN of femoral head
79. Phalen Dickson sign · Spondylolisthesis
80. Ludloff sign · Lesser trochanter avulsion
81. Kanavel sign · Infection of ulnar bursa
82. Martorell sign · Gout
83. Aneurysmal sign · TB spine
84. Sulcus sign · Inferior disclocation of shoulder
85. Wilson sign · Osteo chondritis sign
86. Payrs sign · Meniscal sign
87. Galleazi/Alli sign · CDH
88. Trethovan sign · Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
· Steels metaphyseal blanch sign

89. Vascular sign of Narath · Posterior dislocation of hip
90. Catterall sign · Leg calve perthe disease
91. Hot cross bun sign · Rickets
92. Congenital syphilis · Hennebert sign
93. Furuncle of ear · Tragal sign
94. Hematoma of pinna · Cauliflower ear, wrestler’s ear
95. Diffuse otitis externa · Swimmer’s ear, tropical ear, Singapore ear
96. ASOM · Cartwheel appearance, light house sign
97. Lateral sinus thrombo­phlebitis · Hectic type picket fence fever, Delta sign in CT contrast
· Griesenger sign – obstruction of mastoid emissiary veins, Crowbeck sign

98. Acute mastioditis · Reservoir sign
99. Meniere’s disease · Diplacusis, Tullio phenom­enon,
· Metz recruitment phenom­enon,

· Tumarken crisis (macula destruction-linear balance is lost)

100. Otosclerosis · Schwartz sign (flamingo pink TM) Carhart notch
101. Glomus tumor · Brown sign, rising sun appear­ance, Phleps sign on CECT
102. Acoustic neuroma · Hitselberger sign
103. Exostosis · Surfer’s ear
104. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis · Mulberry turbinate
105. Rhinosporidiosis · Mulberry mucosa
106. Rhinophyma · Potato nose
107. Rhinoscleroma · Hard woody nose
· Russel bodies, Mikulicz cells

108. Antrochoanal polyp · Crescent sign/ Dot sign
109. Frontal mucocele · Egg shell crackling
110. Osteomyelitis of frontal sinus · Potts puffy tumor
111. Blow out # of orbit · Tear drop appearance
112. Nasal # · Pignose deformity
113. CSF rhinorrhea · Halo sign, target sign,reservoir sign, double ring sign
114. Adenoid cystic carcinoma · Swiss cheese pattern
115. Inverted papilloma of Nose · Schnederian papilloma/ Ringert’s tumor
116. Nasopharyngeal

· Holman Miller sign/ Antral sign on CT frog like facies
117. Nasopharyngeal

· Lhermitte’s sign
118. Quinsy · Hot potato voice
119. Ludwig angina · Woody feel
120. Kawasaki disease · Strawberry tongue
121. Wegener’s Gra nulomatosis · Strawberry gingiva
122. Zenker’s diverticulum · Boyce sign
123. Laryngomalacia · Curled up, omega shaped
· Epiglottis

· Prominent arytenoids

· Floppy aryepiglottic fold

124. Acute epiglottitis · Thumb sign on X-ray, rising sun appearance
125. Phonesthesia · Key hole appearance (both transverse and interarytenoid)
126. TB larynx · Pseudoedema of vocal cords
· Mamillated arytenoids (swol­len)

· Turban epiglottis

· Mouse nibbled ulcers

127. Chadwick’s sign/ · Bluish hue to the vestibule and
128. Jacquemier’s sign · anterior vaginal wall (Jack bluein titanic!)
129. Osiander’s sign · Pulsations in the lateral fornix (0 = P)
130. Palmer’s sign · Regular rhythmic contractions in uterus → 6 8 weeks
131. Piskacek’s sign · Asymmetric growth occurs to the uterus in initial stages of pregnancy due to thelateral implantation of the blastocyst
132. Goodell sign · Marked softening of the cervix (good and soft)
133. Von F’ernwald’s sign · Irregular softening and enlarge­ment of the uterine F’undus Five (5-8 weeks)
134. Hegar sign · An indication of pregnancy. Softening of the lower parts of the uterus enables approxima­tion of vaginal and abdominal fingers in bimanual pelvic examination.
135. Ladin’s sign · Softening in the mid line of the sterus anteriorly at the junc­tion of the uterus andcervix (6 weeks gestation)
136. McDonald sign · Flexible uterus =8 weeks (McDonalds = flexible price)
137. Banana sign /Lemon sign · Ultrasound sign in open spina bifida. Shows abnormal ante­rior curvature of cerebellum due to the associated Arnold­Chiari malformation.
138. Blob sign · Mass is separate from the ovary
139. Bagel sign (Tubal ring sign) · Ectopic pregnancy → Gestational sac in the adnexa with hyperechoic ring. (also remember salpingitis isthmica nodosa)
140. Bishop’s sign · Abdominal ectopic pregnancy
141. Interstitial line sign · Interstitial ectopic pregnancy
142. Danforth sign · Shoulder pain in ruptured ec­topic
143. Bathroom sign · Blood in pouch of Douglas → in ruptured ectopic
144. Cullen sign · Bluish discoloration of skin around umbilicus. Seen in ruptured ectopic pregnancy
145. Stallworthy’s sign · Posterior placenta praevia→ Slowing of fetal heart rate on pressing the head down into the pelvis and prompt. Recovery on release of pressure.
146. Kustner’s sign · Sign of placental separation. On pushing the uterus upwards does not move the cord with it (due to the separation)
147. Schroder’s sign · Placental separation. Uterus rises up when the separated placenta ispassed downwards
148. Robert’s sign · Earliest sign of intrauterine fetal death. X-ray shows presence of gas in the fetal great vessels
149. Spalding sign · Sign of intrauterine fetal death. Overlapping of skull bones after fetal death(USG)
150. Ball sign · Sign of intrauterine fetal death. X-ray shows crumpled up spine of the fetus
151. Double decidual sac sign · USG appearance of intrauterine gestational sac
152. T’ sign · USG sign seen in monochromic twins
153. USG sign seen in monochromic twins · USG sign seen in dichorionic pregnancies. Due to the cho­rionic tissue in between the two layers of the membrane between the twins
154. Stuck twin sign · Seen in twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Due to the severe oligohydramnios smaller twin is held in a fixed position along the uterine wall. This is called stuck twin sign.
155. Hunterian chancre · primary syphilis
156. Ollendorf sign · secondary syphilis
157. Moth eaten alopecia · secondary syphilis
158. Kassowitz law, Pseudoparalysis of parrot, Moons molars, Cluttons joints, sabre tibia · Congenital syphilis
159. Esthiomene, Groove sign · LGV
160. Onycholysis, oil drop sign, sub unga I hvperkeratosis, Pencil in cup deformity, Munroe microabscesses, Candle grease sign, Grattage test, Ingram regimen

· Psoriasis
161. Wickhams striae, Civatte bodies, Koebners phenomenon, Band infiltrate, Pterygium · Lichen Planus
162. Christmas fir tree appearance, Herald pattern, Cigarette paper like scales, Collarette of scales · Pityriasis rosea
163. Dennie Morgan fold,Head light sign · Atopic dermatitis
164. Cradle crap · Infantile seborrheic dermatitis
165. Nikolsky sign, Asboe Hansen sign, Row of tombstones, Chicken wire appearance, Fish net appearance · Pemphigus Vulgaris
166. Dermatitis Herpetiforrnis · Duhrings disease
167. Orentriech sign (Tonsure alopecia) · Trichotillomania
168. Plucked chicken skin appearance, Angioid streaks · Psudox­anthoma elasticurn
169. Casals necklace, Cravat · Pellagra
170. Lesar Trelat sign · Seborrhoeic keratosis
171. Nevus of O’ta · O’cular
172. Nevus of I’to · I’ntercostal
173. Stroke bite, Angels kiss · Salmon patch
174. Pautriers micro abscesses, Epidermotropism · Mycosis fun­goides
175. Crowd sign, Patrick Yesudian sign · Neurofibromatosis
176. Shagreen patches, Angiomyolipoma, Periungal fibroma (Koenen tumors), Ash leaf macules · Tuberous sclerosis

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